
If you see an object like this and don’t have the urge to reach out, touch it, stroke it, sniff it and maybe roll it against your face, you’re not wired up right and probably shouldn’t be allowed out in the morning.

Above : Mihara Ken (b. 1958), Multi-fired vessel with cinched waist, horizontal score at center and surface colorations in orange and green, 2012, Multi-fired unglazed stoneware, 14 x 13 7/8 x 9 ¼ in.

Or put more eloquently by Joan Mirviss

The way in which the Japanese have approached and appreciated tsubo through history has been rather unique and special. Japanese poets, critics, collectors and scholars have referred to tsubo as works to be fondled and stroked, often identifying themselves with these seductive vessels to the point of losing themselves to their inner world. Descriptions of these vessels are pervasive throughout Japanese literature and history and contain now well-known poetic allusions. Admired through the centuries, these works have become widely treasured and acquired by collectors and museums both in Japan and abroad.



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