It is a truly strange world we live in where, amidst a sea of pornography and exploitation, the self evident equality of the male and female nipple is denied. Lawmakers and giant internet corporations cast aside any consideration of context and simply declare the female nipple is obscene and to be censored.
I don’t much mind what anyone wants to do with their body, it belongs to them, and it’s very much their business not mine. However, having a corporation tell me that the naked human form is is obscene and needs airbrushing out offends me. The likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr do not have the moral authority to censor consensual nudity.
In protest I wish to create a digital artwork, “iZuckTheNipple” which is to be a photo mosaic of Mark Zuckerberg created from the freely displayed and donated nipples of supporters. It is important that the nipples in the created work are the actual nipples of people supporting the aims and ethos of the #FreeTheNipple movement in order that Zucks face is covered in the very nipples his corporation suppresses.

Donated nipples can be
- anonymous
- faceless
- male or female
- of any age or appearance
Guidance for nipple submissions
Nipples should be :
- Your own
- Well lit
- Well focused
- As high a resolution as possible
- Photograph straight on from coke can distance

Please send images as attachments to serge.lefevre@shirk.org.uk
via WhatsApp to 00 44 7976 623536
Artists statement
My work explores the relationship between the tyranny of power and digital ethics. With influences as diverse as Blake and Frida Kahlo, new insights are synthesised from both constructed and discovered textures.
Ever since I was a postgraduate I have been fascinated by the ephemeral nature of the human condition. As momentary phenomena become frozen through boundaried and repetitive practice, the viewer is left with a clue to the edges of our future.